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Mathematics and Statistics

 Victor Applebaum

Victor Applebaum

Postgraduate Researcher
Mathematics and Statistics

I am a mathematics PhD student, supervised by Krasimira Tsaneva-Atanasova, Peter Challenor and Kyle Wedgwood. My project title is "Uncertainty Quantification for Precision Medicine," which involves using statistical modelling techniques to make predictions about the trajectories of patients' conditions at the individual level.


I work primarily with longitudinal, time-series data, so my research centres around the contruction of autoregressive-style models, bespoke for each system I use.


To quantify uncertainty, I usually work with Bayesian techniques, however I also make use frequentist ensembling approaches occasionally.


In my PhD, I focus on three problems: predicting progression of ambulation levels in Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients; predicting daily ventilator use in severely prematurely born infants; and investigating the effects of physiological variables on the daily trajectories of steroid hormones.

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