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Professor James Screen
Mathematics and Statistics
Prof. Screen is a Professor in Climate Science within the Department of Mathematics and Statistics and Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy. He current research focuses on the climate of the Polar Regions and how Arctic sea-ice loss influences mid-latitude weather and climate. His work has significantly advanced scientific understanding of the causes, and global effects, of rapid Arctic climate change. Prof. Screen is an internationally recognised expert in modelling the climate response to Arctic sea ice changes.
Prof. Screen held a prestigous NERC Fellowship from 2012-2015. His achievements have been recognized by the awards of the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences Early Career Scientist Medal in 2013, Philip Leverhulme Prize in 2015, and 2023 Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists in the UK.
Recent Publications
A full list of publications and citations can be found here.
- Hay, S., E. Blockley, J.L. Catto, H. Hewitt, Y.T.E. Lo, J.A. Screen, D.M. Smith & H. Yu, 2025: The impact of Arctic sea-ice loss on winter weather in the British Isles. Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc., submitted.
- England, M., L.M. Polvani, J.A. Screen & A.C. Chan, 2025: Surprising, but not unexpected, multi-decadal pause in Arctic sea ice loss. Geophys. Res. Lett., submitted.
- Grist, J., S.A. Josey, B. Sinha, J.A. Screen, R. Marsh & D. Dey, 2025: The impact of a subpolar North Atlantic freshwater anomaly on Eurasian winter climate. J. Clim. in revision.
- Walsh, A., J.A. Screen, A.A. Sciafe, D.M. Smith & R. Eade, 2025: Interdependent extratropical atmospheric responses to Arctic sea-ice loss, QBO and ENSO. J. Clim., in revision.
- Hay, S., J.L. Catto, J.A. Screen & H. Yu, 2025: The tug-of-war on the storm tracks between sea-ice loss and ocean warming is mainly an Atlantic phenomenon. J. Clim., in revision.
- Saurral, R.I., F.J. Doblas-Reyes, J.A. Screen, J.L. Catto, S.E. Hay & H. Yu, 2025: Western Mediterranean droughts fostered by Arctic sea ice loss. J. Clim., accepted.
- Ball, E., Y.T.E. Lo, P.A.G. Watson, E. Lavigne, J.A. Screen, K. Ye & D. Mitchell, 2025: No detectable decrease in extreme cold-related mortality in Canada from Arctic sea-ice loss. Environ. Res. Lett., accepted.
- Gong, H., L. Wang., J.A. Screen, W. Chen, J. Cohen & R. Wu, 2025: Teleconnection from Arctic warming suppresses long-term warming in central Eurasia. Sci. Adv., accepted.
- Simpson, I., T. Shaw, P. Ceppi, A. Clement, E. Fischer, K. Grise, A. Pendergrass, J.A. Screen, R. Wills, T. Woollings, R. Blackport, J. Kang & S. Po-Chedley, 2025: Confronting Earth System Model trends with observations. Sci. Adv., 11, eadt8035.
- Yu, H. J.A. Screen, M. Xu, S.E. Hay, W. Qiu & J.L. Catto, 2025: Incomplete Arctic sea-ice recovery under CO2 removal and its effects on the winter atmospheric circulation. Geophys. Res. Lett., 52, e2024GL113541.
- Cai, Z., Q. You, J.A. Screen, H.W. Chen, R. Zhang, Z. Zuo, D. Chen, J. Cohen, S. Kang, & R. Zhang, 2025: . Lessened projections of Arctic warming and wetting after correcting for model errors in global warming and sea ice cover. Sci. Adv., 11, eadr6413.
- Luu, L.N., E. Hanna, D. de Alwis Pitts, J. Maddison, J.A. Screen, J.L. Catto & X. Fettweis, 2024: Greenland summer blocking characteristics: an evaluation of a high-resolution multi-model ensemble. Clim. Dyn., 62, 10503-10523.
- Chatterjee, S., T. Semmler, J.A. Screen, T. Furevik, J. Selivanova, R.P. Raj & N. Murukesh, 2024: Atmosphere-ocean-ice feedbacks sustain recent Barents sea-ice loss despite cooler Atlantic Water inflow. J. Clim., 37, 6519-6532.
- Fang, Y., J.A. Screen, X. Hu, S. Lin, N.C. Williams & S. Yang, 2024: CMIP6 models underestimate ENSO teleconnections in the Southern Hemisphere. Geophys. Res. Lett., 51, e2024GL110738.
- Blackport, R., M. Sigmond & J.A. Screen, 2024: Models and observations agree on fewer and milder midlatitude cold extremes even over recent decades of rapid Arctic warming. Sci. Adv., 10.
- Lewis, N.T., M.R. England, J.A. Screen, R. Geen, W.J.M. Seviour & S.I. Thomson, 2024: Assessing the spurious impacts of ice-constraining methods on the climate response to sea-ice loss using an idealised aquaplanet GCM. J. Clim., accepted.
- Xu, M, J.A. Screen, W. Tian, J. Zhang & C. Zhang, 2024: Influence of future regional sea-ice loss on the Arctic stratospheric polar vortex. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 129, e2023JD040571.
- Yu, H., J.A. Screen, M. Xu, S. Hay & J.L. Catto, 2024: Comparing the atmospheric responses to reduced Arctic sea ice, a warmer ocean, and increased CO2 and their contributions to projected change at 2 °C global warming. J. Clim., accepted.
- Collins, M., J.D. Beverley, T. Bracegirdle, J. Catto, M. McCrystall, A. Dittus, N. Freychet, J. Grist, G. Hegerl, P. Holland, C. Holmes, S. Josey, M. Joshi, E. Hawkins, E. Lo, N. Lord, D. Mitchell, P.-A. Monerie, M.D.K. Priestley, A. Scaife, J.A. Screen, N. Senior, D. Sexton, E. Shuckburgh, S. Siegert, C. Simpson, D.B. Stephenson, R. Sutton, V. Thompson, L. Wilcox & T. Woollings, 2024: Emerging signals of climate change from the equator to the poles: new insights on a warming world. Front. Sci., 2.
- Fang, Y., S. Yang, X. Hu, S. Lin & J.A. Screen, 2024: Remote forcing for a circulation pattern favourable to surface melt over the Ross Ice Shelf. J. Clim, 37, 4689-4702.
- Maddison, J., J.L. Catto, E. Hanna, L. Luu & J.A. Screen, 2024: Missing increase in summer Greenland blocking in climate models. Geophys. Res. Lett., 51, e2024GL108505.
- Mudhar, R., W.J.M. Seviour, J.A. Screen, R. Geen, N.T. Lewis & S.I. Thomson, 2024: Exploring mechanisms for model-dependency of the stratospheric response to Arctic warming. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos, 129, e2023JD040416.
- Hay, S., J.A. Screen & J.L. Catto, 2024: Steady but model dependent Arctic Amplification of the forced temperature response in 21st century CMIP6 projections. Environ. Res.: Climate, 3, 031003.
- Weisheimer, A., L.H. Baker, J. Bröcker, C.I. Garfinkel, S.C. Hardiman, D.L.R. Hodson, T.N. Palmer, J.I. Robson, A.A. Scaife, J.A. Screen, T.G. Shepherd, D.M. Smith & R.T. Sutton, 2024: The signal-to-noise paradox in climate forecasts: revisiting our understanding and identifying future priorities. Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc., 105, E651-E659.
- Lewis, N.T., W.J.M. Seviour, H. Roberts-Straw & J.A. Screen, 2024: The response of midlatitude surface temperature persistence to Arctic sea-ice loss. Geophys. Res. Lett., e2023GL106863.
- Cottrell, F.M., J.A. Screen & A.A. Scaife, 2024: Signal-to-noise errors in free-running atmospheric simulations and their dependence on model resolution. Atmos. Sci. Lett., 25, e1212.
- Williams, N., A.A. Scaife & J.A. Screen, 2024: Effect of increased ocean resolution on model errors in ENSO and its teleconnections. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 150, 1489-1500.
- Ye, K, T. Woollings, S.N. Sparrow, P. Watson & J.A. Screen, 2024: Response of winter climate and extreme weather to projected Arctic sea-ice loss in very large-ensemble climate model simulations. npj Clim. Atmos. Sci, 7, 20.
- Oltmanns, M., N.P. Holliday, J.A. Screen, D.G. Evans, S.A. Josey & B. Moat, 2024: European summer weather linked to North Atlantic freshwater events in preceding years. Weather Clim. Dynam., 5, 109–132.
- Cai, Z., Q. You, H.W. Chen, R. Zhang, Z. Zuo, D. Chen, J. Cohen & J.A. Screen, 2024: Assessing Arctic wetting: performance of CMIP6 models and projections of future precipitation changes. Atmos. Res., 297, 107124.
- Liang, Y-C., Y-O. Kwon, C. Frankignoul, G. Gastineau, K.L. Smith, L.M. Polvani, L. Sun, Y. Peings, C. Deser, R. Zhang & J.A. Screen, 2024: The weakening of the stratospheric polar vortex and the subsequent surface impacts as consequences to Arctic sea-ice loss. J. Clim., 37, 309-333.
- Delhaye, S., F. Massonnet, T. Fichefet, R. Msadek, L. Terray & J.A. Screen, 2024: Dominant role of early winter Barents–Kara sea ice extent anomalies in subsequent atmospheric circulation changes in CMIP6 models. Clim. Dyn., 62, 2755-2778.
- Geen, R., S.I. Thomson, J.A. Screen, R. Blackport, N.T. Lewis, R. Mudhar, W.J.M. Seviour & G.K. Vallis, 2023: An explanation for the metric dependence of the midlatitude jet-waviness change in response to polar warming. Geophys. Res. Lett., 50, e2023GL105132.
- Zheng, C., Y. Wu, M. Ting, J.A. Screen & P. Zhang, 2023: Diverse Eurasian temperature responses to Arctic sea ice loss in models due to varying balance between dynamical cooling and thermodynamical warming. J. Clim., 36, 8347-8364.
- Hay, S., M. Priestley, H. Yu, J.L. Catto & J.A. Screen, 2023: The effect of Arctic sea-ice loss on extratropical cyclones. Geophys. Res. Lett., 50, e2023GL102840.
- Morten, J., P. Buchanan, C. Egevang, I. Glissenaar, S. Maxwell, N. Parr, J.A. Screen, F. Vigfusdottir, N. Vogt-Vincent, D. Williams, N. Williams, M. Witt, W. Thurston, & L. Hawkes, 2023: Global warming and arctic terns: Estimating climate change impacts on the world's longest migration. Global Change Biology, 29, 5596-5614.
- Warner, J., J.A. Screen, A.A. Sciafe, A. Maidens & J. Knight, 2023: Tropical forcing of Barents-Kara sea ice during autumn. Geophys. Res. Lett., e2023GL102768.
- Yu, H., J.A. Screen, S. Hay, J.L. Catto & M. Xu, 2023: Winter precipitation responses to Arctic sea-ice loss and global ocean warming and their opposing influences over northeast Atlantic region. J. Clim., 36, 4951-4966.
- Williams, N., A.A. Scaife & J.A. Screen, 2023: Underpredicted ENSO teleconnections in seasonal forecasts. Geophys. Res. Lett., 50, e2022GL101689.
- Xu, M., W. Tian, J. Zhang, J.A. Screen, C. Zhang & Z. Wang, 2023: Important role of stratosphere-troposphere coupling in the Arctic mid-to-upper tropospheric warming in response to sea-ice loss. npj Clim. Atmos. Sci., 6, 9.
- Ye, K, T. Woollings & J.A. Screen, 2023: European winter climate response to projected Arctic sea-ice loss strongly shaped by change in the North Atlantic jet. Geophys. Res. Lett., 50, e2022GL102005.
- Lo, Y.T.E., D. Mitchell, P.A.G. Watson & J.A. Screen, 2023: Changes in winter temperature extremes from future Arctic sea-ice loss and ocean warming. Geophys. Res. Lett., 50, e2022GL102542.
- Screen, J.A., R. Eade, D.M. Smith, S. Thomson & H. Yu, 2022: Net equatorward shift of the jet streams when the contribution from sea-ice loss is constrained by observed eddy feedback. Geophys. Res. Lett., 49, e2022GL100523.
- Walsh, A, J.A. Screen, A.A. Scaife & D. Smith, 2022: Non-linear response of the extratropics to tropical climate variability. Geophys. Res. Lett., 49, e2022GL100416.
- Zhang, T., K. van der Wiel, T. Wei, J.A. Screen, X. Yue, B. Zheng, F. Selten, R. Bintanja, W. Anderson, R. Blackport, S. Glomsrod, Y. Liu, X. Cui & X. Yang, 2022: Increased wheat price spikes and larger economic inequality with 2 °C global warming. One Earth, 5, 907-916.
- Zhang, R. & J.A. Screen, 2022: Arctic and Pacific Ocean conditions were favourable for cold extremes over Eurasia and North America during winter 2020/21. Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc., 103, E2285-E2301.
- Ayres, H.C, J.A. Screen, E. Blockley & T.J. Bracegirdle, 2022: The coupled atmosphere-ocean response to Antarctic sea-ice loss. J. Clim., 35, 4665-4685.
- Hay, S., P.J. Kushner, R. Blackport, K.E. McCusker, T. Oudar, L. Sun, M. England, C. Deser, J.A. Screen & L. Polvani, 2022: Separating the influences of low-latitude warming and sea-ice loss on Northern Hemisphere climate change. J. Clim., 35, 2327-2349.
- Blackport, R., J.C. Fyfe & J.A. Screen, 2022: Arctic change reduces risk of cold extremes. Science, 375, 729.
- Smith, D., R. Eade, M. Andrews, H. Ayres, A. Clark, S. Chripko, C. Deser, N. Dunstone, J. Garcia-Serrano, G. Gastineau, L. Graff, S. Hardiman, B. He, L. Hermanson, T. Jung, J. Knight, X. Levine, G. Magnusdottir, E. Manzini, D. Matei, M. Mori, R. Msadek, P. Ortega, Y. Peings, A. Scaife, J.A. Screen, M. Seabrook, T. Semmler, M. Sigmond, J. Streffing, L. Sun & A. Walsh, 2022: Robust but weak winter atmospheric circulation response to future Arctic sea ice loss. Nature Commun., 13, 727.
- McCrystall, M.R., J.C. Stroeve, M.C. Serreze, B.C. Forbes & J.A. Screen, 2021: New climate models reveal faster and larger increases in Arctic precipitation then previously projected. Nature Commun., 12, 6765.
- Xu, M., W. Tian, J. Zhang, J.A. Screen, J. Huang, K Qie & T. Wang, 2021: Distinct tropospheric and stratospheric mechanisms linking historical Barents-Kara sea-ice loss and late winter Eurasian temperature variability. Geophys. Res. Lett., 20, e2021GL095262.
- Blackport, R., J.C. Fyfe & J.A. Screen, 2021: Decreasing subseasonal temperature variability in the northern extratropics attributed to human influence. Nature Geosci., 14, 719-723.
- Screen, J.A., 2021: An ice-free Arctic: what could it mean for European weather? Weather, 76, 327-328.
- Xu, P., L. Wang, G. Vallis, R. Geen, J.A. Screen, P. Wu, S. Ding, P. Huang & W. Chen, 2021: Amplified waveguide teleconnections along the polar front jet favor temperature extremes over northern Eurasia. Geophys. Res. Lett., 48, e2021GL093735,
- Zhang, R. & J.A. Screen, 2021: Diverse Eurasian winter temperature responses to Barents-Kara sea ice anomalies of different magnitudes and seasonality. Geophys. Res. Lett., 48, e2021GL092726.
- McCrystall, M. & J.A. Screen, 2021: Arctic winter temperature variations correlated with ENSO are dependent on coincidental sea ice changes. Geophys. Res. Lett., 48, e2020GL091519.
- Blackport, R. & J.A. Screen, 2021: Observed statistical connections overestimate the causal effects of Arctic sea-ice changes on midlatitude winter climate. J. Clim., 34, 3021-3038.
- Blackport, R. & J.A. Screen, 2020: Weakened evidence for mid-latitude impacts of Arctic warming. Nature. Clim. Change, 10, 1065-1666.
- Osborne, J.M., M. Collins, J.A. Screen, S.I. Thomson & N. Dunstone, 2020: The North Atlantic as a driver of summer atmospheric circulation. J. Clim., 33, 7335-7351.
- Deser, C., F. Lehner, K. Rodgers, T. Ault, T. Delworth, P.N. DiNezio, A. Fiore, C. Frankignoul, J.C. Fyfe, D.E. Horton, J.E. Kay, R. Knutti, N. Lovenduski, J. Marotzke, K. A. McKinnon, S. Minobe, J. Randerson, J.A. Screen, I.R. Simpson & M. Ting, 2020: Insights from Earth system model initial-condition large ensembles and future prospects. Nature Clim. Change, 10, 277-286.
- Kelleher, M., B. Ayarzagüena & J.A. Screen, 2020: Inter-seasonal connections between the timing of the stratospheric final warming and Arctic sea ice. J. Clim., 33, 3079-3092.
- van der Wiel, K., F. Selten, R. Bintanja, R. Blackport & J.A. Screen, 2020: Ensemble climate-impact modelling: extreme impacts from moderate meteorological conditions. Environ. Res. Lett., 15, 034050.
- Blackport, R. & J.A. Screen, 2020: Insignificant effect of Arctic amplification on the amplitude of mid-latitude atmospheric waves. Sci. Adv., 6, eaay2880.
- Halloran, P., I. Hall, M. Menary, D. Reynolds, J. Scourse, J.A. Screen, A. Bozzo, N. Dunstone, S. Phipps. A. Schurer, T. Sueyoshi, T. Zhou and F. Garry, 2020: Natural drivers of multidecadal Arctic sea ice variability over the last millennium. Sci. Rep., 10, 688.
- Warner, J.L., J.A. Screen & A.A. Scaife, 2020: Links between Barents-Kara sea ice and the extratropical atmospheric circulation explained by internal variability and tropical forcing. Geophys. Res. Lett., 47, e2019GL085679.
- Screen, J.A. & R. Blackport, 2019: Is sea-ice-driven Eurasian cooling too weak in models? Nature Clim. Change, 9, 934-936.
- Screen, J.A. & R. Blackport, 2019: How robust is the atmospheric response to projected Arctic sea-ice loss across climate models? Geophys. Res. Lett., 46, 11406-11415.
- van der Wiel, K., H. Bloomfield, R. Lee, L. Stoop, R. Blackport, J.A. Screen & F. Selten, 2019: The influence of weather regimes on European renewable energy production and demand. Environ. Res. Lett., 14, 9.
- Ayres, H. & J.A. Screen, 2019: Multimodel analysis of the atmospheric response to Antarctic sea ice loss at quadrupled CO2. Geophys. Res. Lett., 46, 9861-9869.
- Blackport, R., J.A. Screen, K. van der Wiel & R. Bintanja, 2019: Minimal influence of reduced Arctic sea ice on coincident cold winters in mid-latitudes. Nature Clim. Change, 9, 697-704.
- Kolstad, E.W. & J.A. Screen, 2019: Non-stationary relationship between autumn Arctic sea ice and the winter North Atlantic Oscillation. Geophys. Res. Lett., 46, 7583-7591.
- Blackport, R. & J.A. Screen, 2019: Influence of Arctic sea-ice loss in autumn compared to that in winter on the atmospheric circulation. Geophys. Res. Lett., 46, 2213-2221.
- Screen, J.A. & C. Deser, 2019: Pacific Ocean variability influences the time of emergence of a seasonally ice-free Arctic Ocean. Geophys. Res. Lett., 46, 2222-2231.
- Smith, D.M., J.A. Screen, C. Deser, J. Cohen, J. Fyfe, J. Garcia-Serrano, T. Jung, V. Kattsov, D. Matei, R. Msadek, Y. Peings, M. Sigmond, J. Ukita, J.-H. Yoon & X. Zhang, 2019: The Polar Amplification Model Intercomparison Project (PAMIP) contribution to CMIP6: investigating the causes and consequences of polar amplification. Geosci. Model Dev., 12, 1139-1164.