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Mathematics and Statistics

Professor Peter Cox

Professor Peter Cox

Director of Global Systems Institute
Mathematics and Statistics

Professor Peter Cox is Professor of Climate System Dynamics in Mathematics and the Director of the Global Systems Institute at the University of Exeter. He has previously worked at the Met Office-Hadley Centre (1990-2004) and the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (2004-2006).

He is an international leader in the understanding of interactions between the land biosphere and climate change. He led the team that carried-out the first climate simulations to include the carbon cycle and vegetation as interactive components (Cox et al., 2000), which highlighted the possibility of Amazon Forest dieback under climate change (Cox et al., 2004). Professor Cox is a lead author on the 4th, 5th and 6th Assessment Reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and a member of the UK Government’s Defra Scientific Advisory Council. He has been named as a highly-cited author by Thomson-Reuters for every year from 2014 onwards and won an ERC Advanced Grant in 2017.

Professor Cox has made outstanding contributions to research within the field of climate change. His work was central to the early development of the Met Office Hadley Centre, where he held several positions including Head of Climate, Chemistry and Ecosystems, and from 2006 he has been driving the development of world-leading climate research at the University of Exeter.

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