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Mathematics and Statistics

Professor Jan Sieber

Professor Jan Sieber (he/him)

Mathematics and Statistics

Professor in Mathematics, Research areas: nonlinear dynamics, effects of delay, tipping in climate and ecosystems, continuation in experiments
Member of Centre for Systems, Dynamics and Control,   Personal web page,  orcid: 0000-0002-9558-1324

Current and former PhD students

  • Paul D. Ritchie (started 2013, graduated 2016) Noise- and rate-induced tipping
  • Courtney Quinn (started 2015, graduated 2019) Delay effects and critical transitions in climate models, part of the EU Innovative Training Network CRITICS
  • Robert E. Carroll started 2018 (moved to UCL, London Centre for Nanotechnology, in 2020) Exploring instability in complex systems
  • Asim Alawfi started 2020: Applications of delay differential equations with symmetry in auditory systems
  • Ahlam Alhadbani started 2022: Analysis of dynamical systems with delay
  • co-supervised Zhi Zhang, started 2017, graduated 2021, main supervisor Yang Liu
  • co-supervised Thoraya Alharti, started 2018, graduated 2023, main supervisor Peter Ashwin
  • co-supervised Gaby Wang, started 2019, graduated 2024, main supervisor Krasimira Tsaneva-Atanasova
  • co-supervising Huda Mahdi, started 2022, main supervisor Krasimira Tsaneva-Atanasova
  • co-supervising Eman Alnuwaysir, started 2023, main supervisor Krasimira Tsaneva-Atanasova

Opportunities for PhD projects: see Centre for Systems, Dynamics and Control pages. Funding: once per year, the EPSRC funds PhD projects as part of its program, see information pages here and here

Acknowledgment of current and past public support

  • EPSRC grant EP/V04687X/1 Developing strategies to prevent collapse of the Amazon rainforest (2021-2023) with Researcher Co-investigator Bert Wuyts
  • EU Project TiPES, Tipping Points in the Earth System (European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 820970, 2019-2024)
  • EPSRC Fellowship EP/N023544/1 Exploring instability in complex systems - simulations in no-man's land (2017-2021)
  • EU Innovative Training Network CRITICS (European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement number 643073, 2015-2018)
  • EPSRC Grant EP/J010820/1 Control-based bifurcation analysis for experiments (2012-2014)

References for Outreach activities and Open-day taster lecture

References and computations: find the squares for your own large prime

Simple programs for coloring networks

Sudoku solving, an application of network coloring


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